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formerly Shaw Paints Ltd
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Professional Use Only

Aura® Exterior Flat products is classified as "professional use only" under the EU Reach regulations.

Customers wishing to purchase these products will need to provide proof that they are a professional end user. As such, we are not able to sell these products through our website and those wishing to purchase these products must do so by calling our customer service number on 01753 575756 or visiting one of our Benjamin Moore showrooms or Authorised Stockist locations.

The following methods will be deemed acceptable as proof of professional status at Benjamin Moore UK owned locations

  • Prior trading history with Benjamin Moore UK
  • Companies House business classification
  • Business card showing construction trade related business
  • Company website showing construction trade related business
  • CSCS card

Ensure you read the Material Safety Datasheet for these products prior to use.

Aura® Exterior

Aura® Exterior Flat: Technical Datasheet »

Aura® Exterior Flat: Safety Datasheet - White »

Aura® Exterior Flat: Safety Datasheet - Base 1 »

Aura® Exterior Flat: Safety Datasheet - Base 2 »

Aura® Exterior Flat: Safety Datasheet - Base 3 »

Aura® Exterior Flat: Safety Datasheet - Base 4 »

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